Saturday, April 21, 2007

Members of the Shoal's Astronomy Club met with the VBAS on Montesanto mountain for

a Messier Marathon!! We had an awesome time.... can't begin to describe the amount

of things we learned and experienced, even gaining a new member to the club....

here are a couple of pics from the trip.... sorry if the photography is not that great... i'm waiting on Roy's photos perhaps if his is better... i'll put his on here too.

the first picture by the way is of a telescope Werner Vaun Braun used.....

Roy's pics - top of page (1st pic) - 1 -Gary Blackmon 2. Jason Green 3. Stan Peck 4. Roy Long
5. John Paul Daniel
(2nd pic) - 1. Jason Green 2. Stan Peck 3. unsure of his name VBAS member i'll get back to you on this one. 4. Gary Blackmon 5. John Paul Daniel....

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pictures taken by Charles Martin of the 2007 lunar eclipse....
using a 400 mm lens and a 2x converter...
*Thanks Charles for your contribution to amatuer astronomy and astrophotography!